
Islamic Relief distributes aid in Beirut as shelters run out of space and families sleep in the streets


Islamic Relief teams in Beirut have today been distributing emergency aid as thousands more families flee their homes amid the unprecedented escalation in Israeli bombing in the Lebanese capital.

Since October 2023, an ever-growing number of families in Lebanon have become displaced, experiencing similar upheaval and uncertainty. However, numbers have skyrocketed over the last two weeks, amid a sharp increase in violence.

Our staff report catastrophic scenes, with school shelters at bursting point and thousands of terrified families stranded in the open with nowhere to go.

Firsthand Account From the Ground in Beirut

Jad Assaf, Islamic Relief’s Senior Humanitarian Program Officer based in Beirut, says:

“It’s hard to find the words to describe the situation, but it’s getting worse by the hour. People are camping out in parks, on the beach, or just by the side of the road. Wherever you go there are terrified families who don’t know where to go to be safe.

“Hundreds of schools have been turned into shelters across the country, but many of these are now full to bursting point and are having to turn people away as they have no more space. The bombing is continuing and we fear the numbers of displaced people will keep rising. 

“Conditions in the schools are awful. There are already multiple families sheltering in each classroom and others have to sleep in the playgrounds as there’s no room left inside. There are 100 or more people sharing a single toilet, and no showers. Women and girls have no privacy and have to share rooms and toilets with complete strangers. People had to flee their homes in a hurry, so they have hardly anything with them.  

“Since the beginning of the crisis we’ve been distributing food, hygiene kits, mattresses, blankets and medical supplies. Today we’ve distributed food parcels to 1,000 displaced families who have nothing and are absolutely desperate.

“The numbers of people affected are huge, but it is not about numbers – it is about people. These are real people who are in inhumane conditions.”  

An Escalating Crisis

More than 100,000 people have been displaced across Lebanon in just five days, and more are fleeing hourly. Many families fled bombing in the south of the country and arrived in Beirut over the past few days, hoping the capital would be safer, only to suffer the massive escalation in bombing there over the past 24 hours.

As the crisis escalates, and the massacre in Gaza continues, Islamic Relief says international governments must step up pressure for an immediate ceasefire across the region and end arms sales.

Islamic Relief has launched a $19 million AUD emergency appeal to scale up its response to the Lebanon crisis. Since the beginning of the crisis the charity has distributed 3,653 food parcels, 2,273 hygiene kits help prevent the spread of disease in the shelters, 1,035 mattresses, 1,035 blankets and 6,906 medical items to emergency services.

Give hope to the people of Lebanon

Your compassion can save lives. With your support we are able to respond immediately to human suffering in Lebanon.


Displacement and loss: A voice from Southern Lebanon


As Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon continue to escalate, we share the story of Sara*. She fled with her family from the country’s south last year, where bombing has been the heaviest.

Since October 2023, an ever-growing number of families in Lebanon have become displaced, experiencing similar upheaval and uncertainty. However, numbers have skyrocketed over the last two weeks, amid a sharp increase in violence.

Sara’s Story

“My family and I were worried about our safety and what would happen to us when the war in Gaza broke out. Living on the border is difficult, you must always be cautious. We couldn’t sleep once the war started because we were worried about what might happen next,” Sara says. 

Civilians in Lebanon fleeing to safer areas, hopefully free from bombings

“When we heard air strikes on 9 October, we all tried to escape with what little we could carry. The air strike partially damaged my house, my parents’ house, my sister’s house, and our small market shop. Alhamdulillah, we arrived safely in Tyre [a coastal city in Lebanon], although settling there was difficult. We’ve moved 3 times in the last 3-4 weeks because the landowners either won’t let us [stay] or want a high rent, or the building is unsafe for my children. 

I have no idea how long we will be here. I don’t have anything to cover my children’s needs, and I have no idea when we will be able to return home safely. We’re all feeling distressed and uncertain about the situation.

“We are currently staying in a small house with other displaced people. There are 10 individuals sleeping in 1 small room. There is no privacy. I’ve had problems using the toilets and managing my period, as well as other hygiene difficulties.  I am also worried about infectious diseases that my kids and I could catch. 

We are grateful to Islamic Relief for giving food parcels to us. This support gives a sense of comfort that someone cares about us and has compassion for us in this difficult time.

“My children are no longer able to attend school, and they are psychologically disturbed, afraid, and insecure. They ask questions, but we have no answers for them. 

Our Ongoing Support in Lebanon

Since the escalation began in October 2023, spilling over from the crisis in Gaza, Islamic Relief has supported more than 27,900 affected people with food, hygiene kits and other basic items. We have also provided much-needed medical supplies to support hospitals and mobile clinics.

We continue to call for an immediate ceasefire and respect for international law across the region.

*Name changed to protect confidentiality.

Give hope to the people of Lebanon

Your compassion can save lives. With your support we are able to respond immediately to human suffering in Lebanon.


Islamic Relief launches $19m emergency appeal for Lebanon and calls for an end to attacks on civilians


Following Lebanon’s deadliest day in decades, Islamic Relief has launched a $19 million (AUD) emergency appeal. To support people affected by the escalating Israeli attacks.

More than 558 people, including over 50 children, have now been reported killed since September 23. More than 1,800 people are wounded.

Thousands of families are fleeing their homes in panic. They now seek shelter in crowded schools, as more Israeli airstrikes tear through neighbourhoods today. After almost a year of gradual escalation, more than 116,000 people in Lebanon have been displaced. They are in desperate need of aid.

Islamic Relief’s appeal is looking to raise an initial $19 million AUD to expand our efforts to provide vital aid to displaced families. With Israeli attacks on Gaza also continuing unrelentingly, Islamic Relief continues to call for an immediate ceasefire across the region. We call for all parties to respect international law and protect civilians.

Akram Sadeq Ali, Islamic Relief’s Country Director in Lebanon, says: 

The past few days have seen the heaviest attacks on Lebanon in many years. The country has turned upside down and is in complete chaos, with more people fleeing their homes every hour and taking refuge in crowded schools.
Akram Sadeq Ali
Islamic Relief’s Country Director in Lebanon

“Today our team is delivering mattresses and blankets to new arrivals at some of the schools, and we will be providing displaced families with food and medical supplies for clinics. We’re exhausting all efforts to deliver aid to those affected by this crisis.”

Our Work on the Ground

Islamic Relief has been working in Lebanon since 2006. Since last October, our teams have delivered thousands of food parcels, hygiene kits, blankets, and mattresses to families displaced by the escalating attacks. Currently, our aid reaches almost 30,000 displaced people in Nabatieh, Tyre, Bekaa and Balbek. We have also distributed over 6,900 medical items to hospitals and satellite clinics.

Islamic Relief delivering matresses in Lebanon

The crisis in Lebanon has been escalating since 8 October 2023, with hundreds of Israeli airstrikes destroying some 4,000 residential buildings and significantly damaging 20,000 more. Farms and markets have been damaged, impacting food production and availability. Access to essential services such as water has been severely disrupted. Over the past year, at least 700 people are thought to have been killed and more than 6,000 injured.

The escalation in Lebanon comes as much of the population struggles to cope with the fallout from a years-long economic crisis. In 2020, a massive explosion in Beirut killed hundreds of people and destroyed parts of the city, contributing to an economic crisis that deepened in the following years. Widespread unemployment, poverty, and hyperinflation in Lebanon have left many families unable to afford even the most basic essentials such as food, water, and medicine.

Give hope to the people of Lebanon

Your compassion can save lives. With your support we are able to respond immediately to human suffering in Lebanon.


Islamic Relief strongly condemns deadly attacks on civilians in Lebanon


Islamic Relief strongly condemns the recent deadly attacks on civilians in Lebanon. We call on world leaders to take urgent action to stop further escalation.

Today’s Israeli bombing has caused by far the deadliest day in Lebanon since the crisis began almost a year ago. The death toll is rising rapidly. So far, more than 180 people have been reported killed and over 700 wounded, including children and many other civilians.

Hundreds of Israeli airstrikes have torn through residential areas and families are fleeing the south of the country in terror.

The Israeli military’s announcement for civilians in parts of Beirut and southern Lebanon to leave their homes is a horrifying echo of the orders we have seen issued repeatedly in Gaza. Orders that come before large-scale attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure there. Ordering people to leave their homes does not absolve Israel of its obligation under international law to protect civilians, including people who cannot leave or choose not to leave.

Akram Sadeq Ali, Islamic Relief’s Country Director in Lebanon, says: 

There is mass panic, families here are terrified and they don’t know what to do or where to go. Civilians and civilian infrastructure such as homes, hospitals, and schools must never be a target and must be protected at all times. Young children are among those killed by the bombs, and any further escalation will be absolutely disastrous for civilians.
Akram Sadeq Ali
Islamic Relief’s Country Director in Lebanon

This latest escalation is likely to force many more families in Lebanon from their homes.

More than 116,000 people in Lebanon have already been displaced over the past year. Many are now in desperate need of aid. At least 24,000 residential buildings have been badly damaged or completely destroyed.

The escalation comes as much of the population in Lebanon struggles to cope with the fallout from a years-long economic crisis. It has forced many families into poverty.

Islamic Relief has helped almost 30,000 people affected by the crisis.

Since tensions escalated in the region last October, our teams on the ground delivered food parcels, hygiene kits, blankets, and mattresses and more. We have also provided thousands of medical supplies for hospitals and primary healthcare clinics. Currently, Islamic Relief supports displaced families and local host communities in Nabatieh, Tyre, Bekaa and Balbek, where most recently displaced people have been seeking refuge.

Islamic Relief providing emergency support (specifically provision of medical supplies) for Lebanon amid the increasing airstrikes and ongoing crisis

Islamic Relief has been working in Lebanon since 2006, supporting communities through war, displacement and the current crises.

Give hope to the people of Lebanon

Your compassion can save lives. With your support we are able to respond immediately to human suffering in Lebanon.


Orphan Care: The Transformative Impact on Salahuddin’s Family


Salahuddin’s story is one of spirit, hope, and the transformative power of an orphan care sponsorship. Born into a family led by a hardworking father, Salahuddin’s early years were filled with the love and support of a supportive family. His father, a courageous labourer, was the sole breadwinner, working tirelessly to provide for his wife, Beheriya Fereja, and their two children, Salahuddin and his younger sister, Amira.

Unfortunately, their world turned upside down when Salahuddin was just three years old. His father passed away due to an illness, leaving the family in a vulnerable state.   

Before his father’s passing, the family lived in a modest rental home, paying 3,000 ETB per month. However, after his death, Beheriya found it increasingly difficult to cover the rent and meet other basic needs.

The situation became very bad as the family struggled to secure even two meals a day. The future seemed miserable for Salahuddin, Amira, and their mother, as they faced devastating challenges. 

How an Orphan Care Sponsorship Changes Lives

In July 2015, a shine of hope appeared when Salehuddin’s sponsorship began through Islamic Relief. This sponsorship marked a turning point for the family, bringing immediate and significant changes. With the support, Beheriya could finally provide regular meals for her children, and the stress of daily survival started to simplicity. The sponsorship not only covered essential needs like food but also helped in purchasing educational materials, clothing, shoes, and other necessities for Salahuddin and Amira.  

Despite the ongoing challenges of high inflation and the economic impacts of COVID-19, the sponsorship supports enabled Beheriya to begin participating in labour work alongside her neighbours, generating a small but vital income to bridge the financial gaps. The family’s situation improved gradually, but a more significant change came with the introduction of the new pricing model for sponsorship.  

The Impact of the Updated Orphan Sponsorship Pricing

The increase in sponsorship payments brought a meaningful improvement to the family’s finances. This change motivated Beheriya to explore additional income-generating opportunities. Inspired by the increased support, she began saving a small portion of the funds and invested in a small business selling butter. This undertaking proved to be a game-changer, allowing her to diversify the family’s income sources and achieve a more stable and sustainable livelihood.   

Today, Salahuddin and his family are successful, and their future looks brighter than ever. The new pricing structure not only provided immediate financial relief but also inspired Beheriya to take practical steps toward self-reliance.  

The story of Salahudin and his family is evidence of the thoughtful impact of sponsorship and how, with a little support, lives can be transformed. The new pricing model has empowered them to move beyond simple survival and into a future filled with possibilities. It is a powerful reminder of the importance of community and the transformative power of giving.  

Help support an orphan and change their lives

By donating just $100 a month, you can give a child like Soad the chance to pursue their dreams and build a brighter future.


The Impact of Orphan Care: Rubab’s Journey of Hope


How does an orphan care sponsorship change the life of a child in need? This is the heartwarming story of Rubab, a bright and determined young girl from Pakistan, whose life has been profoundly impacted by your generous support.

Over the past year, Rubab has blossomed in many aspects of her life, and this transformation is a testament to the life-changing difference your contributions have made. 

Orphan Care Helped Her Thrive in School

Rubab’s educational journey has been nothing short of remarkable. Before orphan sponsorship, she attended a government school. While she was always a hardworking and dedicated student, the limited resources and opportunities at the government school did not fully allow her to reach her potential.

But now, thanks to your continued generosity, Rubab and her elder sister have transitioned to a well-reputed school. One that offers a much higher standard of education.

A board at Rubab's new school, orphan care sponsorship can give a child quality education

This change has had an extraordinary impact on Rubab’s academic performance. She now excels in her studies, consistently achieves high marks, and shows a newfound enthusiasm for learning. Her teachers have noted her active participation in class, her inquisitive nature, and her eagerness to take on challenges.

Moreover, Rubab has embraced extracurricular activities with great enthusiasm. This has not only enhanced her academic experience, but also helped her develop essential life skills such as teamwork, leadership, and time management. These activities have further boosted her confidence, allowing her to express herself more freely and explore her interests beyond the classroom.

Orphan Care Gave Her Family Proper Shelter

The positive changes in Rubab’s life extend beyond her education and health. The new sponsorship pricing has significantly improved the living conditions for Rubab and her family.

They currently live in a modest single-room home. However, before this support, the family faced considerable financial challenges. Rubab’s mother, the sole provider for the family, often struggled to make ends meet. Simple pleasures, such as buying new clothes for Rubab, were luxuries that could only be afforded during Eid.

However, the financial relief provided by the new pricing structure has eased these burdens considerably. Rubab’s mother can now manage the household expenses more effectively, allowing Rubab to enjoy the small joys of childhood, such as wearing new clothes more often. This has not only improved their living standard, but has also brought a sense of security and stability to their lives.

Rubab’s Mother Thanks You For Your Support

Rubab’s mother has expressed her deep and heartfelt gratitude for the difference your support has made. She is incredibly thankful for the new sponsorship pricing, which has lifted a significant weight off her shoulders.

The financial stability it has provided has allowed her to focus more on nurturing her children and less on the day-to-day worries of making ends meet. She is overjoyed to see Rubab thriving in her new school and is confident that this opportunity will pave the way for a brighter future for her daughter. 

Your generous contributions have had a transformative impact on Rubab’s life. Because of you, she is receiving an education without obstacles, living in a more stable and supportive environment, and growing up with the hope and determination to achieve her dreams.

Rubab holding a thank you card, thanking her orphan care sponsor and Islamic Relief for their support

The positive ripple effect of your support is evident not only in Rubab’s life but also in the lives of her family members, who are all benefiting from the improved circumstances. 

We cannot thank you enough for the difference you have made in Rubab’s life. Your support is not just an investment in her education but in her future, and we are deeply grateful for your continued generosity. 

Help support an orphan and change their lives

By donating just $100 a month, you can give a child like Soad the chance to pursue their dreams and build a brighter future.


Libya Floods 1 year on: Working with partners to tackle a calamity of epic proportions


In September 2023, eastern Libya was struck by devastating floods.  

Hospitals and morgues struggled to cope with what the United Nations called a “calamity of epic proportions”. It left the nation with over 5,200 deaths and 10,000 people reported missing.  

Libya’s worst disaster in modern history significantly altered its landscape. 30,000 buildings were damaged or destroyed, along with roads and bridges. Communities were cut off and more than 40,000 individuals were internally displaced.   

Waterborne diseases became a serious concern in the aftermath, with infrastructure severely contaminated.  

Islamic Relief and a local partner workers delivering medical aid to Wihda hospital in Derna, Libya
Photo: Islamic Relief and a local partner delivering medical aid to Wihda Hospital in Derna, Libya

Working with local partners to deliver aid in Libya

Although Islamic Relief does not have a permanent presence in the country, we were determined to help survivors. To do so, we teamed up with local partners in Libya.

Working with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Islamic Relief provided blankets, mattresses, medical aid, food kits and baby items to families affected by the floods.   

Graphic: Islamic Relief response and impact during the Libya floods

The road ahead after the disaster

Islamic Relief is supporting Libya’s flood-affected population on the path to sustainable recovery through several ongoing projects.   

This includes working with international non-governmental organisations in Libya to provide shelter to displaced families; restore vital public infrastructure and services; and help affected children come to terms with what they have experienced through counselling and recreational activities. Through this collaboration, we also aim to strengthen the public health system by delivering emergency primary healthcare services.  

Disaster capacity-building is another key element on the road to recovery. Local organisations are often among the first to respond when disasters strike. Hence, strengthening and supporting them is an important part of our work in Libya.

Working with WHAF (World Humanitarian Action Forum), we have been training 100 local civil society organisations on disaster and crisis management. We are empowering them to prepare for and handle future disasters more effectively.  

Islamic Relief has supported almost 10,000 people in Libya to date, yet everyday life remains challenging for thousands of affected people.

Be a lifeline. Give relief.

Help us to continue our vital work supporting those in desperate need of aid in Libya and around the world where disasters strike


Morocco Al-Haouz Earthquake: One Year On

  Impact     News

On the night of 8 September 2023, a massive 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck central Morocco, killing families in their beds and flattening whole villages. 

It was the most powerful quake ever to hit Morocco. Close to 3,000 people lost their lives, while thousands more were injured. 

Fatima was sleeping when the earthquake struck


“My daughter came and woke me up, terrified and panicked. I didn’t understand what had happened. 

“I tried to calm her down, but she was extremely frightened and ran away. Then I noticed the ceiling of the room collapsing, and the wall next to me falling until I was trapped under the rubble.” 

For Fatima, who was living in the southwestern province of Al Haouz, where the epicentre of the earthquake hit, its impact would change her life.  

Fatima and her daughter received donations of food and other important survival items, such as winter clothing, from Islamic Relief

“When I regained consciousness, I removed some of the rubble I was trapped under. I was screaming in pain until I freed my legs and my clothes that were caught under the debris. 

“People outside the house were screaming and calling for me. I opened the door and went out, asking them to save my daughter – only her fingers were visible under the rubble and dust. Thankfully, they managed to rescue her. We escaped barefoot and naked until one of my sons brought us something to cover ourselves with in the morning.” 

Fatima’s house was completely destroyed by the earthquake. She and her daughter became 2 of the 500,000 people displaced by the disaster.  

The Earthquake’s Severe Aftershocks


The tremors that followed the earthquake were huge. It caused massive amounts of damage to the surrounding regions, felt all across the country.

The earthquake and aftershocks destroyed close to 19,000 homes, with another 60,000 sustaining heavy damage.  

In villages, towns, and cities across the region, terrified and traumatised families spent nights sleeping out in the open, too afraid to seek shelter. In the High Atlas Mountains, isolated communities faced an agonising wait for help.  

“Our home collapsed,” says Hamid, describing the moment the earthquake destroyed his village, Douar As-Salam. 

“Some among us were fortunate to be rescued from beneath the rubble. The aftermath has been nothing short of devastating, with all our possessions irreparably damaged. The unforgiving cold now chills our makeshift tents, adding another layer of hardship. They have torn, and I have sewn them back together.” 


An Immediate Response to the Earthquake


From the first day of the disaster Islamic Relief was a lifeline to affected communities. Within hours of the disaster, Islamic Relief launched a £10 million (around $19.6 million AUD) appeal to assist survivors.

We reached thousands of survivors with vital humanitarian aid. People like Hamid who had lost everything in the earthquake, received essential survival items such as warm clothing and hygiene kits.

After the earthquake destroyed Hamid’s house, he was forced to live in makeshift tents that he repaired himself

Working with local partners Al Mobadara Association and At Tawassol, we distributed desperately needed items. These included mattresses, blankets, and warm clothing to help people exposed to the harsh winter weather.  

Food, water, and thousands of hygiene kits were also distributed to help combat the rise of waterborne diseases.  

“The humanitarian needs here in Morocco were enormous in the wake of the earthquake. We faced great challenges [delivering aid] due to the destruction of important infrastructure and roads, which made it difficult to reach mountainous communities.” Ghassen Alimi, Islamic Relief’s Head of Mission in Morocco, says. 

To date, we have completed 10 humanitarian projects, reaching nearly 65,000 people across more than 120 villages with vital, life-saving aid. 

Ghassen Alimi, Islamic Relief’s Head of Mission in Morocco, greets some earthquake affected children receiving support from Islamic Relief

Long-Term Support in the Aftermath of the Earthquake


One year on from the Al Haouz earthquake, the people of Morocco are still piecing their lives back together.  

The reconstruction program is costly and Morocco’s susceptibility to natural disasters means there is a strong need to increase investment in building community resilience. 

Islamic Relief continues to help those affected meet their most immediate basic needs. We are also providing longer-term interventions that are needed to help improve and rebuild lives going forward. 

These include providing essential medical services and health education in affected communities, through the launch of 27 health caravans and the installation of latrines and showers, particularly in remote areas.  

So far, we have conducted 11 health caravans, helping over 3,400 people.  

Working alongside local partners, Islamic Relief is continuing to support the people of Morocco as they recover from this disaster. Although we originally deployed a mission in response to the earthquake, we found that our presence and intervention are needed in other vulnerable areas across the country, not just earthquake-stricken regions. 

Be a lifeline. Give relief.

Help us to continue our vital work supporting those in desperate need of aid in Morocco and around the world where disasters strike


Islamic Relief staff describe scenes of starvation after 500 days of war in Sudan

  News     Press Releases

500 days of war has turned Sudan into the world’s biggest hunger crisis and starvation is spreading across the country, Islamic Relief is warning.

Islamic Relief’s Regional Humanitarian Manager, Mohamed Abduwahid Omar, has just visited sites for displaced people in Gedaref, southeast Sudan, which has received hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the violence. He says:

I met many people with sunken eyes and emaciated bodies, going two days without eating anything at all. Others have just a small cup of lentils a day. People are starving and just trying to survive.

“The sites for displaced people are overcrowded and overwhelmed, and 80% of the people there are women and children. I visited a half-built bus station that has been turned into a reception centre for processing new arrivals. There were 1,450 people there who had arrived scared, exhausted and hungry, and more arrive every day. There’s not enough space so many people have to sleep outside in the cold and pouring rain.

There are only five toilets to share between everyone, and now the rainy season has begun there is a growing risk of diseases. In one recent assessment over 40% of people surveyed had at least one family member with serious diarrhoea due to the poor conditions. 

“People were crying as they spoke to me. They’re scared and feel hopeless for the future and just want the world to help stop this nightmare.

I met a blind man who has been displaced four times in the last year as the fighting has spread. He doesn’t know where he will go next if he has to flee again. All he cares about is surviving from one day to the next and finding something to eat.” 

500 days of war has left 25.6 million people – over half the population – facing acute hunger. Around 13 million people have now fled their homes. 

While conditions in parts of eastern Sudan like Gedaref are deteriorating, many other parts of Sudan are even worse.

Islamic Relief staff in Darfur, where the organisation supports nutrition centres, are seeing children wasting away from severe malnutrition. There are reports of families having to eat leaves from trees or even animal feed as they have nothing else.

Famine conditions were officially declared earlier this month in Zamzam camp in North Darfur. Medical facilities in South Darfur have reported 4–5 children dying a day from malnutrition. 

Since the war broke out, Islamic Relief has reached over 950,000 people with vital aid including food, nutrition support, cash and medical supplies. 

Islamic Relief providing aid to needy families in Sudan

However, aid agencies and local authorities are struggling to cope with the scale of the crisis. The humanitarian response is desperately short of funds.

Parties to the conflict continue to obstruct access to some of the worst-affected areas through a combination of bureaucratic delays and ongoing violence. Sudan has become one of the most dangerous places in the world to deliver aid.

At least 37 aid workers have been killed since the war erupted. Dozens more aid workers have been assaulted and over 120 humanitarian offices. Warehouses have been looted by armed groups, including Islamic Relief offices. 

In Gedaref, humanitarian agencies have relatively good access but the lack of funding is hampering the response. The local authorities have set up eight reception centres to triage displaced people to other purpose-built sites, but most of these are still being developed and are not yet ready to house people. The reception centres are being overwhelmed and are at breaking point. 

Despite the enormous suffering, the crisis in Sudan is largely neglected by the world.

Islamic Relief is calling on international governments to urgently intensify diplomatic efforts for an immediate ceasefire, step up pressure on the warring parties to protect civilians and facilitate humanitarian access, and increase humanitarian funding. 

Four months since the Paris Conference in April, very little of the $2.2 billion that international donors pledged to the humanitarian response in Sudan has materialised and promises have not been fulfilled.

In particular, Islamic Relief is urging donors to prioritise funding for actions to prevent famine, such as providing cash so that people can purchase food from local markets and supporting small-scale farmers with seeds and tools for agriculture.

International governments should also increase support to Sudanese local community-based responders. Local Emergency Response Rooms and community kitchens have been at the forefront of the humanitarian response since the start of the war, but many have had to shut down due to lack of funds and attacks. 

Give relief to the people of Sudan

Help us provide urgent relief to our brothers and sisters suffering in Sudan due to the ongoing and devastating conflict. Be their lifeline today.


10 Incredible Rewards for Sponsoring an Orphan in Islam


Kindness towards the orphan is a significant part of Islam. A core part of Islamic values is social justice. We each have a responsibility to protect and uphold the rights of Allah (SWT)’s creations, especially the vulnerable.  

In poverty-stricken and war-torn countries, many children are left vulnerable and orphaned. In these harsh conditions, they struggle to survive. They lack the support and stability they need to thrive and live a fulfilled life.  

Photo: Displaced Syrian child facing the harsh winter in camps.  Many displaced children are orphans
Photo: Displaced Syrian child facing the harsh winter in camps.

The orphan is mentioned a total of 23 times in the Qur’an. Many of these verses emphasise the importance of protecting their rights, treating them with kindness, or providing for them.  

Orphan sponsorship fulfils many of these responsibilities. It provides an orphan with their basic rights – food and water, education and medical care – and more. It allows them to stay with their families, where they can receive the love and emotional support they need as they work towards a brighter future.  

Hence, there are many rewards associated with sponsoring an orphan, both in this life and the next. Here are ten rewards you can earn if you care for orphans in this way. 

Closeness to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) 

The act of caring for the orphan is particularly dear to the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)’s heart. He himself () was also an orphan. His father passed away before he was even born, and his mother passed away when he was a young child. 

In a famous hadith, the Prophet () also said, “The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this”, and he (saw) held his two fingers together to illustrate. (Bukhari)  

Having ‘The Best House’ 

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “The best house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are well-treated. The worst house among the Muslims is the house in which orphans are ill-treated”. 

Bukhari (Al-Adab ul-Mufrad)

Ultimately, having the ‘best house’ in Islam isn’t about its material value – how much it costs or how beautiful it looks. The best home is one filled with kindness and love. One that welcomes angels, remembers the Name of Allah (SWT) and loves the Sunnah. This includes showing care and concern for orphans, whether it be through giving charity or spreading awareness of the hardships orphans face.  

Being Among the Righteous

In his Last Sermon given on Hajj, the Prophet Muhammad (saw) taught us that all human beings are completely equal in status ‘except in piety and good deeds’. 

Our status in the eyes of Allah is dependent upon our righteous actions — and one of the ways we can achieve righteousness is by giving to orphans: 

“…[true] righteousness is [in] one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the angels, the Book, and the prophets and gives wealth, in spite of love for it, to relatives, orphans, the needy, the traveller, those who ask [for help]…”

Quran 2:177

In this verse of Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah (SWT) says spending wealth for His sake is a righteous quality. He (SWT) also specifically mentions orphans as people deserving of our wealth. Hence, sponsoring an orphan is a righteous deed that has been given a truly high status by Allah (SWT).  

Blessed Wealth  

With the cost of living rising, many of us struggle to give as generously as we once did. However, giving for the sake of Allah (SWT) can actually increase our wealth, rather than deplete it. 

“If you were able to rely on Allah properly, you would be provided for just like birds who leave their nests hungry and return full.”

Sunan Ibn Majah

It is important to remember that Allah (SWT) controls our rizq (provision). When we give towards noble causes and put full trust in Him with our wealth, even with our worries about our finances, Allah (SWT) blesses that wealth, and ensures we are provided for.  

“Blessed is the wealth of the Muslim, from which he gives to the poor, the orphan and the wayfarer.”


Can Count Towards Your Zakat 

Zakat (almsgiving) is an obligatory charity in Islam. Every sane Muslim with wealth above a certain threshold (nisab) must give Zakat. Giving Zakat also has many benefits, including purifying our hearts and being one of the keys for us to enter paradise.  

Many orphans in poor and needy communities fall under the category of Zakat. You can fulfil your Zakat through orphan sponsorship. 

Orphan sponsorship can be paid yearly or in monthly instalments. Scholars accept that it is possible to pay Zakat in monthly installments if it is done well before your Zakat is due. If your monthly installments end up being short of the total amount of Zakat you owe on this due date, you must make up for the gap.  

Opens Doors to the Beauty of Jannah 

In the Qur’an, Allah (SWT) describes in detail the beautiful things we will earn in Jannah by doing good deeds, such as giving food to the needy and orphans, purely for His sake: 

“And they give food, in spite of love for it, to the needy, the orphan, and the captive. [Saying], “We feed you only for the countenance of Allah. We don’t want from you either reward or gratitude. Indeed, we fear from our Lord a Day austere and distressful 

So, Allah will deliver them from the horror of that Day, and grant them radiance and joy, and reward them for their perseverance with a Garden ˹in Paradise˺ and ˹garments of˺ silk. There they will be reclining on ˹canopied˺ couches, never seeing scorching heat or bitter cold. The Garden’s shade will be right above them, and its fruit will be made very easy to reach.

 Al-Insan, 8-14

SubhanAllah, Allah (SWT) is truly the Most Generous. By doing such a simple, kind deed as giving some food to the orphans and needy in this world, Allah (SWT) promises us the luxuries of Jannah, multiplying what we gave many times over. 

Provides a Sadaqah Jariyah 

When you sponsor an orphan, your support stays with them for the long term. Even when they stop needing sponsorship, you’ve helped build this foundation for them to go to school, make a living and empower the next generation.  

The Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: Sadaqah Jariyah (ceaseless charity); a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).”


When a sponsorship provides continuous benefit to the child and, potentially, their future generations to come, it becomes a Sadaqah Jariyah. An ongoing charity that gives you many rewards, even after death.  

Every time the orphan you sponsored uses something they learnt at school, you will be rewarded. Every time they make du’a for you, you will benefit. Because YOU transformed an orphan’s life and helped them fulfil their potential.  

Countless Opportunities for Barakah  

Islamic Relief’s orphan sponsorship program provides one-to-one support for the orphan and their family. We have a field officer assigned to each sponsored child who is informed of any issues the family or the community faces, allowing us to help solve these problems effectively. 

For example, we can provide widows with a sustainable livelihood. Or we can construct proper hygiene and sanitation facilities within the community. This way, a single orphan sponsorship sets off a chain reaction of Sadaqah Jariyah. Thus, providing more barakah to not only the donor and the orphan they sponsor, but also the whole community!  

WASH facilities for children and orphans in Malawi

Entrance Through Jannah’s Gate of Joy  

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “Paradise has a door which is called “Joy” – only those who bring joy to children will pass through it.“


When we support an orphan, Allah (SWT) recognises not only the practical help we give, but also the happiness. Every child deserves to grow up in a loving and supportive environment that allows them to reach their full potential.  

By providing orphan sponsorship for the sake of Allah (SWT), we pray to bring so much joy to children in need. So that, someday, we can be called through the gate of Joy into Jannah. 

Saves Lives 

Sponsoring an orphan goes beyond simply improving their life. It can be a lifeline, potentially saving children in need from poverty, illness, and death. It can positively affect not only the orphan, but also their family and entire community. 

As it says in the Quran, “And whoever saves a life it is as though he had saved the lives of all mankind” (5:32). 

Thus, when you sponsor an orphan, you not only save their life. But you also protect countless future generations of children, ensuring they can still thrive and build livelihoods amid hardship.

happy children (girls) and orphans in Lebanon

Beautiful Benefits of Orphan Sponsorship

All in all, sponsoring an orphan can bring many rewards that benefit us in this life and the Hereafter.  

It brings us closer to the Prophet (ﷺ), gives you ‘the best house’, and is a noble deed – one that can be done as Zakat or Sadaqah.

A Sadaqah Jariyah that contains incredible barakah. One that blesses your wealth and allows you to be called through the gate of Joy into Jannah and enjoy the (literally) heavenly luxuries. On top of all this, it can save lives!  

You can sponsor an orphan for $100 a month (or $1,200 a year), providing them with all their basic needs and more! An orphan sponsorship is truly life-changing, for you, us and the child we support.

Help support an orphan and change their lives

By donating just $100 a month, you can give an orphan child in need the chance to pursue their dreams and build a brighter future.


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