Syrian Refugees

More Than 10 Years of Crisis


For over 13 years, the crisis in Syria has taken a brutal toll on its civilian population. Ongoing conflict has left 6.7 million people displaced, 470,000 dead, and 5.6 million as refugees. Last year’s earthquakes have only exacerbated the destruction caused by the civil war, worsening living conditions.

Syrians are living in constant fear, hunger and suffering. Today, more than 14 million displaced Syrians and Syrian refugees desperately need humanitarian aid. Many are orphans, widows and elderly, struggling to survive without external support.

Earthquake Aftermath on Displaced Syrians and Syrian Refugees


On Monday, February 6, 2023, the worst earthquake in 100 years struck northwest Syria and southeast Türkiye. For Syrians, the disaster left a death of over 6,000, while thousands more remained injured, homeless or missing under the rubble.

In a country rife with 12 years of civil war, poor infrastructure and long-lasting poverty, the aftermath of the Syria earthquake has been devastating. 1,460 buildings were destroyed, with thousands more damaged, almost beyond repair.

Even a year after the earthquake, there remains a huge need for reception centres, shelters, food, and medical support for Syrian refugees and displaced Syrians.

Our Recovery Support for the Earthquake


Our immediate emergency response is just the beginning. We are now in the second stage of rebuilding the lives of affected Syrians. Beyond urgent food, medical, water and shelter support, Islamic Relief remains committed to restoring dignity and rebuilding lives for the people of Türkiye and Syria, long after the news cycle has died down. 

Together, we reached 96,920 Syrian refugees families, distributing









5,417,000 L


469,230 kg

Islamic Relief is supporting Syrian refugees


Islamic Relief has been on the ground for over 18 years in Syria. While the pandemic has forced organisations to pull back their operations, Islamic Relief is able to continue to stand by the people of Syria.  

As one of the largest aid organisations supporting Syrian refugees and displaced Syrians, the generosity of our supporters means Islamic Relief remains a lifeline for many. Through our shared global efforts in the past year, Islamic Relief has provided food to over 770,000 displaced people, vital healthcare support to 1.2 million people and medical necessities to 84 health facilities.  

And yet, there is still so much more that needs to be done. We are continuing to provide emergency shelter, urgent food support and mobile and vital medical care to communities and families. Help us reach the countless voices pleading to be heard today.

Help Give Hope to Syrian Refugees

In the face of poverty and suffering, your donations are a lifeline to our struggling brothers and sisters from Syria who are in desperate need of aid.

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