Campaign for Change

We want to see a world where women, men and children live in dignity and are free from poverty so that they can fulfil their God-given purpose. We believe one of the ways we can achieve this is by campaigning for change. 

In accordance with the prophetic example of speaking out against injustice, we tackle the root causes of poverty and suffering worldwide. Our challenging advocacy and campaigning efforts give vulnerable and marginalised communities a strong voice, and lobby for positive change.

Sending an email, signing a petition or posting a letter today could help ease their suffering tomorrow. 

Some of the ways our family is campaigning for immediate action on some of the most urgent issues facing the world.

Climate change

Protecting the planet and its people from the impacts of climate change is one of the three top priorities for Islamic Relief. At a global level, we campaign to reduce emissions, promote sustainable living and protect the world’s most vulnerable people. We believe that bold action on climate change is needed now.

Gender justice

We are standing up for gender justice. Through our campaigning work, we seek to stamp out gender-based violence such as domestic abuse, female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C), and early and forced marriage. We also engage women and girls in programs that tackle the economic, social and cultural barriers which stop them from reaching their full potential.

Refugees and displaced people

Ensuring the rights of refugees and displaced people are protected is also a key campaign area for Islamic Relief. Globally, we draw attention to the challenges faced by people forced from their homes and urge governments to recognise their rights, meet their needs and treat them with dignity.

Latest News

Mali: Extensive Rains and Flooding Causes Destruction

Since late November 2024, severe flooding in Mali is displacing thousands, destroying infrastructure, and disrupting essential services.  

Sri Lanka: Cyclone Fengal Causes Widespread Damage

Sri Lanka is grappling with the aftermath of Cyclone Fengal, resulting in dozens of casualties and widespread damage.  

Winter in Afghanistan: Burning Plastic to Survive the Bitter Cold

The cold winter months leave Afghanistan’s most vulnerable, such as Mozdalifa and her 2 sons in Botkhak, struggling.


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