When reading the Qur’an, charity is mentioned countless times: Feeding the poor and needy, supporting orphans, relatives and travellers, spending in the way of Allah… All of these references emphasise the importance of charity for every Muslim.

At Islamic Relief, we provide you with many ways to fulfill your religious obligations and create lasting change in the lives of people who need it most. Whether it’s donating your zakat, zakat al-fitr, fidya or kaffara, sponsoring an orphan, giving your sadaqah or funding sadaqah jariyah projects –

Alhamdulillah we’ve got you covered.

Founded on our Islamic faith, you can be sure that all our projects comply with Islamic guidelines and adhere to industry best practice.


With Islamic Relief we work hard each day to make sure your donations are used in the most effective way possible. Your donation is an amanah (trust) that we take very seriously because we are accountable to those in need, to you and most importantly to Allah (SWT).

When you donate your zakat with us, we use it to help fight poverty through sustainable change or provide immediate emergency relief when crisis hits. In the face of hunger, conflict, poverty or disaster, your zakat will help to build healthier, stronger communities all over the world.

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Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said, “The Prophet (peace be upon him) was the most generous of people, and he was most generous during Ramadan.” [Bukhari]

Ramadan is an important month for Muslims around the world. It is a time when we are required to abstain from food and drink; a time for spiritual reflection and growth, and also a time for giving. It is a time to show compassion and to be one with those in need. Each year, during Ramadan, we distribute food packs to vulnerable people across the world to address food insecurity and ease some of the burdens they face.

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Thanks to people like you, in 2020 alone, our global family was able to reach over 3.3 million vulnerable people across 30 countries during Eid al-Adha. Alhamdulillah, your donations provided a critical source of protein to vulnerable families and individuals across the globe.

Here at Islamic Relief, we ensure that only the best quality meat is used – all sacrificed according to Prophetic tradition. We don’t compromise on quality and we work with local suppliers to help local economies flourish.

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OrphanCare (Al-Yateem)

Living in refugee camps, traumatised by war or simply unable to go to school due to crippling poverty, these children lack the means to keep safe at home, access critical education and medical and/or psychosocial care. Sadly, their futures remain uncertain.

By donating, or sponsoring a vulnerable child, you could help ease some of their struggles today. 

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Islamic Relief Australia is a humanitarian and development organisation dedicated to fighting
poverty, alleviating the suffering of people globally and overcoming injustice of all kinds.

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