Taraweeh Prayers in Ramadan: How and Why Muslims Pray It
Ramadan is a month of deepened spirituality. It is a time to strengthen faith, drawing closer to Allah (SWT) through acts of worship. This includes in prayer, as this is the only month where Muslims pray Taraweeh (Tarawih), a special night prayer performed after Isha.
The Significance of Taraweeh (Tarawih) Prayer During Ramadan
Taraweeh prayer is a Sunnah (voluntary) prayer performed during the month of Ramadan. It is prayed after the Isha prayer and before the Witr prayer. Its name is derived from the Arabic word “tarawih,” which means “rest and relaxation.” This is because the prayer is performed in a leisurely and relaxed manner, with breaks between each set of rak’ahs.
Like with other acts of worship (e.g. making dhikr, reading Qur’an, etc), praying Taraweeh is encouraged during Ramadan. Within the prayer, we increase our connection with Allah (SWT) and earn more rewards with each Rakat (rak’a, rakah) we pray.
In one hadith, narrated by Abu Huraira, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) even said,
“Whoever stands (in the voluntary night prayer of) Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.”
Sahih Bukhari
Therefore, we can see that there are significant rewards for praying night prayers, including Taraweeh during the month of Ramadan.
when every good deed is multiplied more than any other time of the year.
Benefits of Taraweeh (Tarawih) Prayer
Performing Taraweeh prayer has numerous benefits, as it nurtures all aspects of our self and body.
Time to Draw Closer to Allah (SWT)
The long and peaceful prayer session allows us to reflect on our relationship with Allah (SWT). Within each action, we grow closer to our Creator. We gain a better appreciation of Him and seek more of His forgiveness and blessings.
Increased Focus and Discipline
Performing Taraweeh prayers regularly requires discipline and commitment. The lengthy prayer sessions encourage us to manage our time effectively. It urges us to prioritise our spiritual obligations while still fulfilling our daily responsibilities. It also helps us develop greater self-discipline, which we can also apply to other aspects of our lives, even beyond Ramadan.
Low-Impact Workout
Along with helping our spiritual and mental health, Taraweeh prayers also benefit our physical health. In a way, the prolonged prayer session helps us get more exercise. It works as a low-impact workout, as its actions help to improve our heart health, increase flexibility, and reduce stress levels.
Building Community Bonds
The way we pray Taraweeh also strengthens our sense of unity and community. Many mosques and community centres offer communal Taraweeh prayers, where Muslims from all walks of life come together to pray and worship. This sense of community is especially important during the month of Ramadan. It is time Muslims fast, share food, connect and engage in other acts of worship together.

How to Pray Taraweeh (Tarawih)
The two most common methods of praying Taraweeh are the 20 rak’ahs method and the 8 rak’ahs method, with a short break after every 4 or 2 Rakats.
Regardless of the method used, each Rakat begins with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatiha, followed by a portion of the Quran. The Witr prayer is then performed after the prayer is completed.
It is also highly encouraged to perform Taraweeh in congregation, as this is the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). As narrated from Abu Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him), the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said:
“Whoever stands with the imaam until he finishes, it is equivalent to spending the whole night in prayer.”
Overall, the Taraweeh prayer is a significant practice of Ramadan. It provides us a chance to connect with Allah, seek His forgiveness and strengthen our imaan (faith). While there are different methods of performing Taraweeh prayer, which is frequently done in congregation, the most important thing is to do it with sincerity and devotion.
By performing Taraweeh prayer, we can reap numerous physical and spiritual benefits, including a strengthened spiritual connection with Allah (SWT). This Ramadan, let us commit to performing this night prayer and reaping its many benefits. May Allah (SWT) accept our prayers, ameen!