Bangladesh Well

Paving the path for clean water

In Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated countries in South Asia, access to clean drinking water remains a major challenge for the majority of the population.


The majority of the population rely on shallow tube-wells as their main source of water. However, the challenges of inadequate sanitation, poor hygiene practices and groundwater issues, such as arsenic contamination and high iron content, have a significant impact on public health.


Additionally, flooding worsens the situation by damaging wells, while underserved areas face difficulties in accessing affordable solutions for improved water supply.


In partnership with Islamic Relief Bangladesh, Islamic Relief Australia launched a WASH Program (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), which aims to provide safe drinking water to vulnerable communities in Bangladesh.

Our Work in Bangladesh

The project involves installing Deep Tube-Wells (DTW) and Shallow Tube-Wells (STW) in Derai pazila of Sumangonj District and Jamalpur Sadar Upazila of the Jamalpur District. It also includes training caretakers for ongoing repair and maintenance, as well as facilitating hygiene promotion sessions for WASH- vulnerable families.


The goal of this project is to ensure safe drinking water for all and promote improved health, nutrition and hygiene practices, thereby reducing morbidity and mortality rates, particularly among children in Bangladesh


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