Sydney Northwest Muslim Community

The Greatest Days of the Year are Here!

Give and maximise your rewards in the blessed 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, especially on the Day of Arafah, insha Allah!

Give Qurban With Ihsan

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This Dhul Hijjah, Sydney Northwest Muslim Community (SNWMC) and Islamic Relief Australia are joining forces.

We are inviting our local families and communities to partake in the spirit of these blessed days. The best 10 days, where we have an opportunity to gain immense rewards and experience the MOST blessed day of all – the Day of Arafah!

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “No good deeds are better than what is done in these first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah” (Sahih Bukhari). He also reminded us of Allah (SWT)’s mercy on the Day of Arafah, stating:

There is no day on which Allah frees people from the Fire more so than on the day of ‘Arafah. He comes close to those (people standing on ‘Arafah), and then He reveals before His Angels saying, ‘What are these people seeking?’

Sahih Muslim

In this blessed time, let us take this incredible opportunity to deepen our connection to Allah (SWT) and increase in good. Especially if we feel like we’ve fallen short of our Ramadan goals.

Because your giving during this period reaches far beyond their monetary value. They bring hope, relief, and joy to those who need it most. To our thousands of brothers and sisters suffering in Gaza, Sudan, Afghanistan and in many other devastated regions.

At SNWMC, we are committed to nurturing the values of kindness, generosity and doing good for the sake of Allah (SWT) within our community. By continuously supporting those in need, we fulfil our duties as Muslims and embody the compassion and generosity at the heart of our faith.

Your act of giving could mean the world to someone these blessed 10 days of Dhul Hijjah, especially during these most blessed nights! May Allah (SWT) accept your generosity!