Your Impact this Dhul Hijjah: Bringing joy to over 2 million with Qurban and more!
During Eid Al-Adha in Dhul Hijjah 2024, you helped Islamic Relief provide Qurban, Eid gifts and more to over 2 million people.
Helps provide the world’s most vulnerable and disadvantaged communities with nutritious meat on Eid Al-Adha, helping them solve their hunger.
4 reasons why Islamic Relief Australia stands out as the top destination for fulfilling your Qurban obligations.
Learn the virtues of Qurban with Islamic Relief Australia, from why Muslims give Qurban to when to fulfil it.
Qurban means sacrifice. It occurs yearly on Eid Al-Adha, during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah. A time when Muslims around the world will slaughter an animal – a goat, sheep, cow or camel – for the sake of Allah (SWT).
This act, performed after Eid prayer commemorates Prophet Ibrahim (AS)’s sacrifice. Specifically, his willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail (AS), for the sake of Allah (SWT).
Following the sacrifice of the animal, we divide the Qurban into three parts. One-third goes to those most in need.
Find out more on how Islamic Relief distributes Qurban meat in the frequently asked questions below.
In 2024, we strive to reach more people with Qurban than ever before. Donating Qurban is an important duty for every Muslim who can financially do so.
There are also Qurban rules that dictate which animals can be sacrificed. This includes the quality of the life it has led and health status. There are also specific guidelines on how to carry out the sacrifice.
By donating your Qurban to Islamic Relief, you help the world’s most vulnerable communities enjoy Eid, as this is the only time many families eat meat in the entire year.
Reap the rewards of the 10 best days. Give your Qurban today.
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) passed the ultimate test when he was willing to give up what he loved most for the sake of Allah (SWT).
For this reason, we commemorate his sacrifice through Qurban. An act of worship where we offer an animal (a sheep, goat, or cow) for slaughter, sharing a portion of its meat with those in need during the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah.
The first ten days of Dhul Hijjah are the most sacred days of the year. And there are no deeds Allah (SWT) loves more than those done during this blessed time (Sunan Ibn Majah).
By giving Qurban with Islamic Relief, you can reap the rewards of this blessed month and serve those in need.
Thanks to people like you, in 2023, our global family was able to reach over 3.4 million vulnerable people with Qurban across over 28 countries.
Alhamdulillah, your donations provided a critical source of protein to vulnerable families and individuals across the globe.
Here at Islamic Relief, we ensure that only the finest quality meat is used. This is all sacrificed according to Prophetic tradition.
We do not compromise on quality. We work with local suppliers to support local economies and help improve livelihoods.
With your donation, this Eid al-Adha we aim to distribute protein-packed Qurban packs to world’s most in need. Refugees in Bangladesh. Vulnerable people in war-torn Afghanistan and Sudan. Families devastated by floods in Pakistan. Needy communities across Kenya, Mali, Niger, and South Sudan and many more.
We prioritise widows, orphans, destitute, the elderly, people with disabilities, refugees, and disaster-affected populations. These are all generally people who cannot afford to buy meat often. Their diet is also lacking in calories and nutrients. As, for many people, Eid Al-Adha is the only time, within the whole year, when they can eat meat.
The Arabic words Qurban (Qurbani) or Udhiyah mean “sacrifice”. Specifically, it is a sacrifice done as an act of worship, to become closer to Allah (SWT). It also honours the momentous act of submission that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) made. His sacrifice of his son, Ismail (AS).
Every year, during Eid al-Adha, Muslims around the world slaughter an animal – typically a sheep, goat, camel, or cow – to commemorate the Prophet Ibrahim and his willingness to sacrifice what he loved most for the sake of Allah (SWT).
Qurban and Aqiqah both involve the act of sacrificing a livestock animal for the sake of Allah (SWT). However, they are each performed for different reasons.
When a child is born, it is a sunnah to sacrifice livestock and divide the meat between friends, relatives and community members in need. This is called Aqiqah. It usually takes place on the seventh day after a baby’s birth. If it is hard for the parents to offer Aqiqah then they can perform it later on, before their child reaches puberty.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) gave an Aqiqah to his 2 beloved grandsons, Imam al-Hasan and Imam al-Husain (peace be upon them).
Aisha (RA) also narrated that the Prophet ﷺ said: “Slaughter two comparable sheep for a male newborn and one sheep for a female.” (Tirmidhi)
To ensure the funds reach those in need in the regions we operate in, we do not provide the option of selecting a country. We predetermine the number of livestock for every country within each region, so that the needs of every country and the region, are fulfilled.
As part of a global family of Islamic Relief offices, Islamic Relief Australia fulfils Qurban distributions in select countries while other partners serve other selected countries. This ensures that the needs of multiple communities are met simultaneously. That way, no country where we work is left out.
This means that even though some countries, such as Palestine (Gaza), Lebanon and Jordan (which hosts hundreds of Syrian refugees) are not listed on the Qurban options on our website, it does not mean that they are not being helped.
Qurban is an important duty for every able Muslim adult who has wealth in excess to their needs. Normally, those who are eligible to pay Zakat should give Qurban.
The animals used are livestock animals. Islamic Relief uses sheep, goats, cows, or buffalo as sacrifices for Qurban.
1 sheep or goat = 1 Qurban
1 cow or buffalo = 7 Qurbans (one Qurban –one-seventh of the animal)
Since the selection of animals depends on the availability and customs of each region, we do not provide the option of selecting your animal of choice at the time of donation. Animals are instead pre-allocated within each region. We ensure that the animals are healthy, free from blindness and chronic sickness or disease or from any apparent ailment, and that they are of a fit age.
While the price for livestock animals differs from country to country, we base our price on the average calculated of those countries’ prices within each region. This price includes all costs associated with fulfilling and distributing your Qurban.
Islamic Relief Australia recognises the various opinions in the Islamic tradition and welcomes all to fulfil this religious right in consultation with local scholars.
We do not require the names, as the practice of reciting the name upon sacrificing is logistically very difficult to fulfil due to the vast requests we receive during this season. This is like the practice of offering sacrifice while on Hajj. The scholars have approved the sacrifice without the names if the intention of the person was made. We encourage everyone to make their intention when donating their Qurban.
No, as Islamic Relief is conducting hundreds of thousands of Qurbans around the world, this is practically not possible. It is also not necessary to give the name of the person, even if you are making a Qurban on behalf of someone else. If you have made the intention that you are giving this Qurban on behalf of a certain person that should be sufficient.
We select Qurban based on a scoring system according to need. The scoring system is based on the following objective criteria:
It is the policy of Islamic Relief to distribute only one Qurban meat pack to each family regardless of family size.
We are not able to carry out Qurbans for specific orphans because the scale of the project would make this logistically difficult. Donors can still carry out a general Qurban through the normal channels and pay the normal price.
However, orphans do represent a category of high priority in all our programs and therefore they not only benefit from donors’ sponsorship, but also from receiving other support and aid during Ramadan and Dhul Hijjah.
The slaughter will take place on one of the days of Eid Al-Adha. If you give a Qurban on the second or third day of Eid, the Qurban will still be carried out on one of the days of Eid, as Islamic Relief has already purchased the animals to be slaughtered beforehand. Qurbans are carried out based on forecasts drawn. If necessary, modifications are made, and additional funds are transferred to the relevant country. In effect, donors are paying towards Qurbans which are already allocated.
We offer meat packs as an opportunity for those who are not able to afford Qurban to give families meat to enjoy during Eid Al-Adha. We are able to do this as Islamic Relief Australia orders more fresh meat than we sell for Qurban, so we can divide this surplus of meat into more affordable packages for donors to give as Sadaqah.
As such, the meat packs are NOT Qurban. The meat packs offer a part of a small animal (ie. sheep, goat), which cannot be divided for Qurban. However, the smaller meat packs allow those who want to support the campaign to change the lives of the less fortunate, and have more chances to earn rewards during the best 10 days.
During Eid Al-Adha in Dhul Hijjah 2024, you helped Islamic Relief provide Qurban, Eid gifts and more to over 2 million people.
Giving Qurban is one of our greatest opportunities to empower our Ummah. Here’s how your Qurban with Islamic Relief creates lasting change.
What are the differences between Qurban and Aqiqah? While these two have some similarities, each has specific rules on how to perform them.