Clean and safe water is the key to life

Why support WASH?

WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) is an important aspect of any holistic development initiative, particularly relating to public health.


Clean water and sanitation are important building blocks for further development initiatives such as education, health, nutrition, public safety and livelihoods.


It is estimated that globally there are 3.6 billion people without sanitation facilities and 2 billion people without access to safe and clean drinking water. In terms of hygiene, 2.3 billion people lack basic hygiene services, including soap and water at home.


WASH projects reduce a variety of disease conditions such as diarrhoea, intestinal diseases, worms, and skin diseases. These improvements in health lead to reduced morbidity and mortality and improved nutritional status. Increasing the quantity of water allows for better hygiene practices.


With less disease, children can eat and absorb more food, thereby improving their nutritional status.

How we make a difference

Islamic Relief has a holistic approach to WASH. If we are to truly assist a community, then we need to go beyond just providing a basic water source.


The water source must provide clean and safe water, the community needs to learn about safe hygiene (such as regular handwashing), and to introduce clean sanitary habits by building latrines (and stopping open defecation).


This holistic approach means that we can really make a lasting impact, changing lives in the long term.  

Wells in Bangladesh

Islamic Relief Australia collaborates closely with Islamic Relief Bangladesh, addressing chronic water and sanitation issues. Water wells, common in villages, face challenges like arsenic and flooding. Islamic Relief ensures rigorous testing, flood-resistant concrete bases, and community training. Projects offer Shallow or Deep Tube-Wells, latrines, hygiene training, and maintenance education.


With on-ground support from Islamic Relief Bangladesh, your Sadaqah Jariyah donation supports lasting, safe well solutions. Certificates detail sponsored WASH projects for transparency. Islamic Relief aims for durable, sustainable wells, prioritizing long-term impact.

Reliable Water for Somalia

Water scarcity and food insecurity plague many Somalis; just 30% access clean water. This scarcity fuels conflicts. Our project aims to enhance health and wellbeing for 5,000 in Burtinle.


Through drilling, equipping a borehole, and supplying solar power, we’ll secure reliable water. A trained Water Management Committee ensures lasting sustainability.

Water and Sanitisation for Indonesia

Around 30 million Indonesians lack healthy sanitation, and 20 million lack safe water access. The project targets Pandeglang district with 127 under-developed villages, combating water-borne diseases and benefiting vulnerable groups. Safe drinking water will be provided via a gravity system, benefiting 528 families including those in Islamic Boarding Schools.


This involves a 9 km piping system with 2 reservoirs. Sanitization improvement includes private toilets, community training, and ending open defecation via a community-based campaign.

Water Supply in Lebanon

Islamic Relief Lebanon is directly supporting the residents of vulnerable villages in Akkar by rehabilitating and/or upgrading of non-functioning water schemes. The Lebanese water system has deteriorated over time due to poor maintenance and an absence of any upgrading. The deterioration of the water systems has led to increasing health concerns, significant costs in having to truck water to the communities, and social tension.


The project will deliver water directly to the houses. Enhancing access to safe water with a sufficient amount to last the long term for both the community and the refugees. The project will assist 6000 people

Dafe Water at Frontier College for Women Peshawar

The project was implemented at the Government Frontier College for Women in Peshawar. It rehabilitated the drinking water supply scheme and installed a solarized water filtration plant. The project provides safe drinking water to approximately 5,000 students and more than 150 teaching staff and provides continuous filtered water to the boarding house where 1,600 female students are residing.


The system is also linked to the playgrounds, including the volleyball courts, football fields, cricket fields, badminton courts, and the running track, in order for the students to have access to clean drinking water. With availability of better washing facilities, the morale of the students rose, and the attendance of the students and faculty members has markedly increased.

Safe Water: The Key to Health and Empowerment

A United Nations publication, Safe Water as the Key to Global Health, stated: “No other single intervention is more likely to have a significant impact on global poverty than the provision of safe water.”


It is the key to immunity and health, helping families prevent disease and early death. It is the key to ensuring children are able to go to school and grow into their full potential. It is the key to empowering girls and women so they can reclaim their health, dignity, safety and success.


Clean water is essential because it prevents the spread of waterborne diseases, enhances immunity, and promotes overall health. It also enables proper hygiene and sanitation, reducing illness and preventing early deaths. Furthermore, clean water supports agriculture and livelihoods, helping communities thrive.

In areas without clean water, women and girls often bear the responsibility of collecting water, which can be time-consuming and physically demanding. This limits their access to education and economic opportunities. Additionally, lack of sanitation facilities puts their health and safety at risk.

Your contribution can create a meaningful impact in providing clean water to those in need. By donating to Islamic Relief’s initiatives, you directly support the construction of sustainable wells, hygiene education, and comprehensive WASH solutions for under served communities. You can also engage in fundraising efforts

Islamic Relief is committed to constructing robust and flood-resistant wells in demanding regions of Bangladesh. These wells are renowned for their exceptional quality and lasting durability. However, the organization’s efforts extend beyond well construction. Islamic Relief also implements comprehensive WASH solutions, encompassing hygiene training, sanitation facilities, and access to clean water.


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