Indonesia Earthquake

Devastating Earthquake in Cianjur

On the 21st November 2022, Indonesia’s main island of Java was hit with a 5.6 magnitude earthquake, triggering landslides, and causing buildings to collapse. Some 334 people have been confirmed killed, including 100 children, 2000 people injured and more than 2 million people affected.

The Government has registered 73, 874 displaced people in the districts of Cianjur, Bogor, Bandung, Sukabumi and Jakarta. There has been widescale destruction including over 2000 houses and at least 1 hospital destroyed. Landslides have blocked some roads, hampering access to affected areas.

Islamic Relief has been responding to this deadly earthquake and is currently active in West Java with the Emergency Response Team.

Help support thousands of families in desperate need

Please donate to help the victims of the Cianjur earthquake. Your donation will help provide much-needed shelter and more to those who have lost everything.

At least 68,908 people are now homeless

Working in collaboration with local partners Islamic Relief are distributing tarpaulin sheets for emergency shelter, hygiene kits and other much-needed items such as food, water, and blankets. The life of those displaced will become harder as heavy rain could trigger floods, further aggravating the conditions.  

In addition to the current emergency interventions, Islamic Relief is planning post-emergency support through Early Recovery Activities – covering the provision of temporary shelters, temporary schools, emergency livelihood, and water sanitation. Islamic Relief Australia is focussing on supplying temporary shelters, latrines, wells and clearing the rubble.

We respond to emergencies around the world, bringing life-saving aid to vulnerable people when they need us most. Please help us continue this work – Donate Today.

Shelter Urgently Needed After Indonesia Earthquake, As Heavy Rain Hits Homeless Survivors

As the situation deteriorates, we desperately need to respond to meet the ongoing and immediate needs of those who have been affected.

We need your help to save thousands of lives at risk in Indonesia

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